
About Us

SIMPIPE is a company that provides services, training and development of computational solutions in the pipeline engineering area.

SIMPIPE has its origins in the Nucleus for Thermal-Hydraulic Simulation of Pipelines of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) when trying to meet the growing demand for specialized labor in pipeline engineering. SIMPIPE was founded on 03/17/2021 and incubated at Instituto Gênesis at PUC-Rio. On 06/28/2024, she graduated from the incubator, transferring her headquarters to Av. Rio Branco, 131 sala 801, CEP 20.040-006, Centro, Rio de Janeiro-RJ.

Our Origin

SIMPIPE has its origin in the Nucleus for Thermal-Hydraulic Simulation of Pipelines of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) when trying to meet the growing demand for specialized labor in pipeline engineering . SimPipe was founded on 3/17/2021 and is currently incubated at the Genesis Institute of PUC-Rio.


Its technical staff and specialized consultants have more than 20 years of experience in the pipeline engineering, training and development of computer solutions, having already developed several jobs and solutions for the main pipeline operators and engineering companies in Brazil.


SIMPIPE's main products are engineering services and offering programs with computational solutions for the pipeline area.

Leadership Team

Claudio Veloso Barreto, MSc

R&D Director


Mechanical engineer with a master's degree in Thermosciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2011). More than 20 years of experience in programming graphical interfaces and algorithms aimed at solving engineering problems, mainly for the oil and gas sector. Management and development of research projects in the area of ​​thermohydraulic simulation, software specialists and computerized systems with georeferencing.

Leonardo Motta Carneiro, MSc

New Business Director


Graduated in Mechanical Engineering (2006), post-graduated in Pipeline Engineering (2007) and Master in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis on Oil and Energy (2010), always from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, he has been working in the pipeline sector since his University graduate. He joined in 2006 as an engineer at the Nucleus for Thermohydraulic Simulation of Pipelines of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at PUC-Rio. With 1 year of experience, he assumed the position of Project Coordinator and after 3 years the Engineering Manager of the nucleus. Performed in the execution of the Operation Manuals of practically all pipelines operated by Transpetro and several studies of expansion of transport capacity through thermo-hydraulic simulation of operational scenarios. Participated in the conceptual and basic design of new oil and gas pipelines and ethanol pipelines defining layout, diameter, thickness, material, hydrostatic test pressure, pumping or compression systems, safety systems and rental classes when applicable.

Luis Fernando Alzuguir Azevedo, PhD

Institutional Director


Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from PUC-Rio (1978), Master in Mechanical Engineering from PUC-Rio (1981) and PhD from the University of Minnesota (1985). He is currently an Associate Professor at PUC-Rio, working in the field of fluid mechanics and experimental heat transfer. He develops fundamental and applied works in turbulent flow in pipelines, guarantee of flow in the oil industry, biphasic flow and optical methods for measuring flows. He is the founder and coordinator of SIMDUT - Nucleus for Thermohydraulic Simulation of Pipelines, of the Fluid Engineering Laboratory and of the Specialization Course in Pipeline Engineering at PUC-Rio.

Luis Fernando Gonçalves Pires, Dr

Engineering Director


He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense (1980), a master's degree in Nuclear Engineering from Instituto Militar de Engenharia (1983), a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1994), and also a post-graduate degree in Engineering from Petroleum (2007). Professor at Centro Universitário Moacyr Sreder Bastos until 2005, having coordinated the Information Systems course. Retired as Senior Researcher AIII of the Army Technological Center since 2013 and has served as General Manager since 2001 at the Nucleus of Thermo-hydraulic Pipeline Simulation (SIMDUT / PUC-Rio). He has experience in the area of ​​Mechanical Engineering, with an emphasis on Transport Phenomena and Numerical Methods, developing much of the research currently in the analysis of hydrocarbon transport in pipelines. The performance at SIMDUT / PUC-Rio as Project Manager included the conceptual mechanical design of several gas pipelines, oil pipelines, ethanol pipelines and distributor branches. Expertise in the preparation of Operation Manuals for practically all pipelines operated by Transpetro and several gas pipelines. Calculation of potential leaked volumes of pipelines and studies of expansion of pipelines. Analysis of gas pipeline capacity and assessment of rental class change. Pipeline simulation consultancy for several companies such as LOGUM, GolarPower, GASMIG, NTS, Petrobras, Copersucar, among others, and government agencies such as EPE and ANP.

Max Leira Cordeiro

Administration/Finance Director


Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2014). He is studying a master's degree in the area of ​​oil and energy at PUC-Rio. Since 2019, he has worked as operations and new projects manager at SIMDUT, PUC-Rio's thermohydraulic simulation center. Since 2012, he has experience in the area of ​​transporting fluids in pipelines, where he began his professional career, supporting the operation of Transpetro's National Control and Logistics Center (CNCL). Since then, he has been supporting operations in simulations for the transportation of ethanol, oil and derivatives, and in training and retraining for oil pipeline operators, where a supervisory system coupled to real-time thermohydraulic simulators is used.

Marcelo Varejão Casarin

Project Manager


Mechanical Engineer from UFRJ and post-graduated in Pipeline Engineering from PUC-Rio. More than 10 years of experience in the field of pipeline transportation. Experience with single-phase fluid flow simulation for transport in pipelines (PipelineStudio, Stoner Pipeline Simulator and Synergi Pipeline Simulator), design, sizing and operation of transport pipelines (ABNT-15.280, ABNT 12.712, ASME B31.4 and ASME B31.8), calculation of gas pipeline transport capacity, preparation of oil and gas pipeline operation manuals and operational procedures, support for the implementation of a logbook system for a control center, experience in monitoring the construction of gas pipelines and planning interventions in pipelines for operational continuity.


Pedro Alex Lima

Engineer Coordinator


Luiz Eduardo Carnevale Cruz

R&D Coordinator


Lucas Fanelli dos Santos

Software Developer


Pedro Ivo Passos Martins da Silva

Software Developer


Juliana Mello da Silva

Engineering Analyst


Carolina Nascimento da Silva

Engineering Analyst


Pietro Tabachi D'Angelo Furtado

Engineering Analyst


Grace Mary dos Santos

Administrative Supervisor


Rafael Gonçalves Guimarães

Mechanical Engineering Intern


Rafael Pugas Carvalho de Freitas

Mechanical Engineering Intern



Avenida Rio Branco, 131 - sala 801 - Centro | Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil | CEP 20040-006


+55 21 3557-0033

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