
SimPipe offers technical-computational solutions related to the following engineering services

Pipeline Design
    • Design of a new pipeline, based on supply and demand conditions
    • Definition of diameter, thickness and material through technical and economic feasibility study (EVTE with CAPEX and OPEX)
    • ​Definition of the pipeline design class according to the occupation around the pipeline strip
    • Sizing of pumping or compression stations and control valves
    • Design of safety systems with pressure relief valves, quick-closing valves and interlocks
    • Study of alternatives for expanding the transport capacity of an existing pipeline
    • Mechanical design of pipelines with the definition of the design pressure
    • Pipeline engineering and process flowchart
    • Equipment data sheet
    • Hydrostatic testing project
    • Optimization of energy consumption of pumps with friction reducer injection or frequency inverters
    • Checking pipeline design for compliance with current regulations
Pipeline Operation
    • Development of operation manuals
    • Development of pipeline thermo-hydraulic simulation models
    • Thermo-hydraulic study of normal and incidental operating scenarios
    • Pipeline start and stop procedures
    • Pipeline behavior when passing batches of products
    • Composition of the maximum and minimum pressures imposed on the pipeline in different operational scenarios
    • Thermo-hydraulic simulation of gas pipelines network
    • Determination of survival time of gas pipelines systems
    • Definition of transport capacity of a pipeline


Pigging and Special Operations Simulation
    • Passing of cleaning or inspection pigs
    • Inerting pipelines with nitrogen
    • Drainage operations
    • Effects of line break
    • System response to equipment failure conditions
    • Leak simulation


Pipeline Integrity
    • Consolidated profile drawings with the definition of Maximum Admisible Operating Pressure (MAOP)
    • Studies of new location class to gas pipelines 
    • Planning and monitoring of hydrostatic tests
    • Stress Corrosion Crack (SCC) susceptibility study
    • Tube material chemical analysis reports
    • Evaluation and execution of pipe rupture tests
    • Mechanical testing of pipe materials


Risk Analysis
    • Integrity risk analysis
    • Social risk analysis


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SimPipe is here to provide you with more technology, clarify all your doubts and create an effective solution in the Oil and Gas Pipeline processes


Avenida Rio Branco, 131 - sala 801 - Centro | Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil | CEP 20040-006


+55 21 3557-0033

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